Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Experience Day

Assalamualaikum. Ehem ehem.

UTM N-24, where I had been yesterday for third time. Miss that place !!!
I went there for a competition which was, Olimpiad Matematik Kebangsaan (OMK).
When I answered the questions....Oh my Math! Very very difficult!
I can't brought the scientific calculator. But then, the questions were questioning like 15 to the power of 15. HAHA.

I was like no feeling when I solved the problems.

The paper has 2 sections which were, Section A and Section B.
Section A has 5 or 6 questions.
And, Section B has 3 questions only.
But, time given was, 2 hours 30 minutes. You see?!
How difficult the question were!

The result will be next week , maybe. Fuh, nervous~ ToT

If you want to see the previous questions, : Here

''The essence of Mathematics is not to make simple things complicated, but to make complicated things simple.'' -S. Gudder 

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