Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Salam everyone.

Today was my UKKM exam (Ujian Kecendurungan Kemasukan MRSM) at MRSM Pontian.
I feel that it is my new-school-to-be for next year. I hope so. In Shaa Allah. Amin.
Math was quite tough; many IQ questions. Math was the first subject. So, I was a lit bit nervous.
Science and Keperibadian were not tough at all. Alhamdullilah.
After UKKM exam had done, yeah this is the time to wait until the day of PMR result.
Fuhh. Mesti nerbes sangat sangat on that day. Ah!

Well said,

We had done so many things. Sacrificed times, money, sleeps, pens, pencils, rubbers preparing for PMR.
We had try our best in our study for all subjects in three Forms; 1,2 and 3.
Fall then rise back. Fall again. We advised ourselves to not give up. Then, rise again.
Effort by effort.
These, what we had done before, not simply in vain.
We should be proud of ourselves for doing a lot of Sacrifices that we had done for ourselves' sake, family sake, teacher sake, friend sake, nation sake.

In the end of it, we can't stop from praying to Allah. Solat. Prayer. Read Al-Quran.
Because, Allah is always hear your prayer every second. Allah will fulfill all of what you want.

So, tawakkal. tawakkal and tawakkal.

Pencil stop writing.

Thursday, November 7, 2013


29 Oktober 2013. Itulah hari terakhir buat budak-budak ting. 3 smksp bersekolah.
Walaupun group Infinity aka Gryffindor tak menang, tapi kami tetap have fun!
Bergambar dengan kawan kawan...di halaman sekolah yang pasti kurindui kerana penuh memori...
Fuh..memang sedih nak tinggalkan kawan kawan.

Orang kata, "kita tak akan cakap selamat tinggal kerana kita hanya pergi buat seketika"

Ayat tu buat aku sedih. Setiap orang ada kenangan  tersendiri. Bukan aku seorang yang sedih. Yang lain pun sedih juga. Bayangkan, dah lepas SPM nanti.....

Takpe nad. Itulah kehidupan. Adatlah, setiap pertemuan pasti ada perpisahan. Sama seperti, yang hidup pasti akan mati.

So, just smile. just move on with your life. be strong to face more difficult challenges even without your true friends beside you.

Pen off.