Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Back to School !

Esok, 4 Januari 2011. Opsss! Not 2011! Already 2012 la Nadiah oi! -.-
Means, tomorrow school time! Aku ada rasa seronok & ada rasa tak seronok. Yang seronoknya, aku jadi SENIOR untuk sesi petang. Hehe. Aku boleh buli budak2 form 1. :P
Tak de ah. Aku gurau je. #Jangan amek hati yep :)
Yang tak seronoknya, dah habes cuti. Aku rase nak minta kat pengetua cuti lagi please.! Huhu
I will hectic with my education for form 2. Next year, I will be candidate of PMR. So, more hectic than this year. #Jangan pikir pasal tahun depan ah. Pikir tahun ni dulu.#
I will post more stories for next time. I will come back soon! Byebye! Take care everybody. Always eat nutrition foods such as apple. As saying goes, an apple a day keep the doctor away! Have fun! ;D

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